и юридическим лицам в США, а также продолжают регулировать ранее проданные продукты в сфере аннуитета и страхования жизни. Штаб-квартира компании расположена в Коннектикуте, его старейшее дочернее предприятие было основано еще в 1810 г. The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ведет бизнес в шести отчетных сегментах: Линии для юридических лиц, Линии для физических лиц, Страхование имущества, страхование от несчастных случаев и прочие операции, Групповые выплаты, Взаимные фонды и Talcott, а также Корпоративная категория. Компания является корпорацией, учрежденной в соответствии с законодательством штата Делавэр.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. provides insurance and financial services to individual and business customers in the United States, the United Kingdom, continental Europe, and internationally. Its Commercial Lines segment offers workers' compensation, property, automobile, liability, umbrella, bond, marine, livestock, and reinsurance and customized insurance products and risk management services, including professional liability, bond, surety, and specialty casualty coverages through regional offices, branches, sales and policyholder service centers, independent retail agents and brokers, wholesale agents, and reinsurance brokers. The company's Personal Lines segment provides automobile, homeowners, and personal umbrella coverages through direct-to-consumer channel and independent agents. Its Property & Casualty Other Operations segment offers coverage for asbestos and environmental exposures. The company's Group Benefits segment provides group life, disability, and other group coverages to members of employer groups, associations, and affinity groups through direct insurance policies reinsurance to other insurance companies employer paid and voluntary product coverages disability underwriting, administration, and claims processing to self-funded employer plans and a single-company leave management solution. This segment distributes its group insurance products and services through brokers, consultants, third-party administrators, trade associations, and private exchanges. Its Hartford Funds segment offers investment products for retail and retirement accounts exchange-traded products through broker-dealer organizations, independent financial advisers, defined contribution plans, financial consultants, bank trust groups, and registered investment advisers and investment management and administrative services, such as product design, implementation, and oversight. The company was founded in 1810 and is headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut.
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