и реализует продукцию по восьми основным направлениям: крупный рогатый скот, свиньи, птица, овцы и рыба (совместно именуемые "сельскохозяйственные животные") и собаки, кошки и лошади (совместно именуемые "животные-компаньоны"), и пяти основным категориям продукции: противоинфекционные средства, вакцины, паразитициды, пищевые добавки и прочие лекарственные средства. На протяжении более 60 лет в качестве структурного подразделения компании Pfizer Inc. (Pfizer), а с 2013 г. - в качестве самостоятельной публичной компании Zoetis Inc. печется о здоровье животных и предлагает решения для своих клиентов, которые разводят их или заботятся о них. Компания была основана в 2012 году и является корпорацией, учрежденной в соответствии с законодательством штата Делавэр.
Zoetis Inc. discovers, develops, manufactures, and commercializes animal health medicines, vaccines, and diagnostic products in the United States and internationally. It commercializes products primarily across species, including livestock, such as cattle, swine, poultry, fish, and sheep and companion animals comprising dogs, cats, and horses. The company offers vaccines, which are biological preparations to prevent diseases of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and reproductive tracts or induce a specific immune response anti-infectives that prevent, kill, or slow the growth of bacteria, fungi, or protozoa and parasiticides that prevent or eliminate external and internal parasites that include fleas, ticks, and worms. It also provides other pharmaceutical products, which comprise pain and sedation, antiemetic, reproductive, and oncology products Dermatology products for itch associated with allergic conditions and atopic dermatitis and medicated feed additives that offer medicines to livestock. In addition, the company offers portable blood and urine analysis systems, and point-of-care diagnostic products, including instruments and reagents, rapid immunoassay tests, reference laboratory kits, and blood glucose monitors and other non-pharmaceutical products, including nutritionals and agribusiness services, as well as products and services in areas, such as biodevices, genetics tests, and precision livestock farming. It markets its products to veterinarians, livestock producers, and retail outlets, as well as third-party veterinary distributors through its sales representatives, and technical and veterinary operations specialists. The company was founded in 1952 and is headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey.
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