систем, которое компания называет "хирургия da Vinci", сочетает преимущества минимально инвазивной хирургии ("МИХ") для пациентов с простотой использования, точностью и функциональными возможностями открытого хирургического вмешательства. Хирургическая система da Vinci состоит из хирургической консоли, стола для пациента и высокоэффективной визионной системы. Хирургическая система da Vinci преобразует движения рук хирурга, которые он выполняет на системе управления инструментами на консоли, в соответствующие микроскопические движения инструментов, помещенных внутрь пациента через маленькие надрезы или порты. Хирургическая система da Vinci создана для того, чтобы предоставить оперирующим хирургам возможность интуитивного контроля, свободу движений, возможность работы с тонкими тканями и визуализацию в формате 3-D, визуализацию с высоким разрешением ("HD"), при одновременной возможности хирургов работать через маленькие порты, полученные за счет МИХ.
Intuitive Surgical, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, designs, develops, manufactures, and markets da Vinci surgical systems, and related instruments and accessories in the United States and internationally. The company's da Vinci Surgical System include surgeon's consoles, patient-side carts, 3-D HD vision systems, skills simulators, da Vinci Xi integrated table motions, and Firefly fluorescence imaging products that enable surgeons to perform various surgical procedures, including gynecologic, urologic, general, cardiothoracic, and head and neck surgical procedures. It also manufactures EndoWrist instruments, such as forceps, scissors, electrocautery tools, scalpels, and other surgical tools, which incorporate wrist joints for natural dexterity for various surgical procedures and provides SimNow, a cloud-enabled simulation platform, which allows surgeons to learn and practice their surgical skills Iris, an augmented reality imaging product for use in kidney procedures and Intuitive Cloud that enables proactive monitoring and software updates. In addition, the company offers EndoWrist Stapler, a wristed stapling instrument for resection, transection, and creation of anastomoses EndoWrist One Vessel Sealers that are wristed single-use instruments for bipolar coagulation and mechanical transection of vessels up to 7mm in diameter and tissue bundles that fit in the jaws of the instrument E-100 generator, an electrosurgical generator SureForm 45 Curved-Tip stapler and SynchroSeal for sealing and transection with a single pedal press. Additionally, the company sells various accessories comprising sterile drapes for ensuring sterile field during surgery and vision products that include replacement 3D stereo endoscopes, camera heads, light guides, and other items that facilitate the use of the da Vinci Surgical System, as well as Ion endoluminal system for biopsies. Intuitive Surgical, Inc. was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.
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