ядерных компонентов, реакторов и ядерного топлива для правительства США. Предоставляет услуги по специализированной обработке ядерных материалов и восстановлению окружающей среды, а также различные продукты и услуги клиентам в секторах ядерной энергетики и производства технически сложных медицинских радиоизотопов и радиофармпрепаратов. Клиентская база компании достаточно широка и включает правительство США, коммунальные службы и энергетические компании.
BWX Technologies, Inc. manufactures and sells nuclear components in the United States, Canada, and internationally. Its Nuclear Operations Group segment offers nuclear components, reactors, assemblies, and fuel for the United States Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration's Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program and other uses close-tolerance equipment for nuclear applications research reactor fuel elements for colleges, universities, and national laboratories and components for defense applications. It also provides missile launch tubes for the United States Navy submarines converts Cold War-era government stockpiles of high-enriched uranium and receives, stores, characterizes, dissolves, recovers, and purifies uranium-bearing materials. Its Nuclear Services Group segment provides nuclear materials processing, environmental site restoration, and management and operating services for the United States government-owned facilities develops technology for advanced nuclear power sources application designs, engineers, licenses, and manufactures advance nuclear reactors and inspects and services steam generators, heat exchangers, reactors, fuel handling systems, and balance of plants and provides non-destructive examination and tooling/repair solutions, and nuclear fuel. Its Nuclear Power Group segment offers commercial nuclear steam generators, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, reactor components, and containers nuclear fuel, fuel handling systems, tooling delivery systems, and related services, as well as engineering and in-plant services for nuclear power plants and medical radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. It also designs, manufactures, commissions, and services nuclear power generation equipment. The company was formerly known as The Babcock & Wilcox Company and changed its name to BWX Technologies, Inc. in June 2015. The company was founded in 1867 and is headquartered in Lynchburg, Virginia.
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